- Kahindo, C., El-Yacoubi, M. A., Garcia-Salicetti, S., Rigaud, A. S., & Cristancho-Lacroix, V. (2018). Characterizing Early Stage Alzheimer through Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Handwriting. IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
- Bloch, F., Lundy, J. E., & Rigaud, A. S. (2017). Profile differences of purchasers, non-purchasers, and users and non-users of Personal Emergency Response Systems: Results of a prospective cohort study. Disability and health journal, 10(4), 607-610.
- Djabelkhir, L., Wu, Y. H., Vidal, J. S., Cristancho-Lacroix, V., Marlats, F., Lenoir, H., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2017). Computerized cognitive stimulation and engagement programs in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: comparing feasibility, acceptability, and cognitive and psychosocial effects. Clinical interventions in aging, 12, 1967.
- Rouaix, N., Retru-Chavastel, L., Rigaud, A. S., Monnet, C., Lenoir, H., & Pino, M. (2017). Affective and Engagement Issues in the Conception and Assessment of a Robot-Assisted Psychomotor Therapy for Persons with Dementia. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 950.
- Wu, Y. H., Vidal, J. S., de Rotrou, J., Sikkes, S. A., Rigaud, A. S., & Plichart, M. (2017). Can a tablet-based cancellation test identify cognitive impairment in older adults?. PloS one, 12(7), e0181809.
- Kenigsberg, P-A., Aquino, J-P., Bérard, A., Brémond, F., Charras, K., Dening, T., Dröes, R-M., Gzil, F., Hicks, B., Innes, A., Nguyen, M., Nygård, L., Pino, M., Sacco, G., Salmon, E., Roest, H. van der, Villet, H., Villez, M., Robert, P., Manera, V., Assistive technologies to address capabilities of people with dementia: from research to practice, in Dementia , May 2017. ISSN 1741-2684
- Caitlin Ware, Souad Damnee, Leila Djabelkhir, Victoria Cristancho, Ya-Huei Wu, Judith Benovici, Maribel Pino, Anne-Sophie Rigaud, Maintaining Cognitive Functioning in Healthy Seniors with a Technology-Based Foreign Language Program: A Pilot Feasibility Study, in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9:42 · March 2017
- Kahindo C., El-Yacoubi M. A., Garcia-Salicetti S., Cristancho-Lacroix V., Kerhervé H., Rigaud A-S., Identification de Marqueurs de la Maladie d’Alzheimer à travers l’Ecriture manuscrite acquise sur Tablette graphique, Conference: Journée Nationale de l'Internet des Objets Nouveaux défis de l’Internet des Objets: Interaction Homme-Machine et Facteurs Humains, Nov 2016.
- Badeig F. , Wargnier P. , Pino M. , De Oliveira Lopes P. , Grange E. , Crowley J. L , Rigaud A-S , Vaufreydaz D. , Impact of Head Motion on the Assistive Robot Expressiveness - Evaluation with Elderly Persons, 1st International Workshop on Affective Computing for Social Robotics Workshop at the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2016, New York, United States. 2016.
- Lopes P. , Pino M. , Carletti G . , Hamidi S. , Legué S. , Kerhervé H. , Benveniste S. , Andéol G . , Bonsom P . , Reingewirtz S. , Rigaud A-S., Co-Conception Process of an Innovative Assistive Device to Track and Find Misplaced Everyday Objects for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: The TROUVE Project, IRBM 37 (2), 52-57.
- Wu YH, Cristancho-Lacroix V, Fassert C, Faucounau V, de Rotrou J, Rigaud AS. The Attitudes and Perceptions of Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment Toward an Assistive Robot. J Appl Gerontol, 2016 Jan.
- Wu YH, Vidal JS, de Rotrou J, Sikkes SA, Rigaud AS, Plichart M. A Tablet-PC-Based Cancellation Test Assessing Executive Functions in Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 23.
- Marivan K, Boully C, Benveniste S, Reingewirtz S, Rigaud AS, Kemoun G, Bloch F. Rehabilitation of the psychomotor consequences of falling in an elderly population: A pilot study to evaluate feasibility and tolerability of virtual reality training. Technol Health Care. 2015 Nov 16.
- Pino M, Boulay M, Jouen F, Rigaud AS. "Are we ready for robots that care for us?" Attitudes and opinions of older adults toward socially assistive robots. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 Jul 23.
- Cristancho-Lacroix V, Wrobel J, Cantegreil-Kallen I, Dub T, Rouquette A, Rigaud AS. A web-based psychoeducational program for informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2015 May 12.
- Wu YH, Damnée S, Kerhervé H, Ware C, Rigaud AS. Bridging the digital divide in older adults: a study from an initiative to inform older adults about new technologies. CLin Interv Aging 2015 Jan 9.
- Wrobel, J., Pino, M., Wargnier, P., & Rigaud, A. S. (2014). Robots et agents virtuels au service des personnes âgées: une revue de l’actualité en gérontechnologie. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie.
- Cristancho-Lacroix V, Moulin F, Wrobel J, Batrancourt B, Plichart M, De Rotrou J, Cantegreil-Kallen I, Rigaud AS. A web-based program for informal caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease: an iterative user-centered design. JMIR Res Protoc. 2014 Sep 15
- Pino, M., Benveniste, S., Kerhervé, H., Picard, R., Legouverneur, G., Cristancho-Lacroix, V., ... & Rigaud, A. S. Contribution of the Living Lab approach to the development, assessment and provision of assistive technologies for supporting older adults with cognitive disorders. Studia informatica Universalis.
- Wu, Y. H., Pino, M., Boesflug, S., de Sant’Anna, M., Legouverneur, G., Cristancho, V., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2014). Robots émotionnels pour les personnes souffrant de maladie d’Alzheimer en institution. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie.
- Wu YH, Wrobel J, Cornuet M, Kerhervé H, Damnée S, Rigaud AS. Acceptance of an assistive robot in older adults: a mixed-method study of human-robot interaction over a 1-month period in the Living Lab setting. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 May 8.
- Lopes, P., Benveniste, S., Rigaud, A.S. (2013). Evaluation en EHPAD de « MINDs », un jeu vidéo musical développé pour et avec des personnes souffrant de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Communication au Congrès national Alzheimer 2013.
- Cristancho-Lacroix, V., Kerhervé, H., de Rotrou, J., Rouquette, A., Legouverneur, G., & Rigaud, A. S. (2013). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Web-Based Program (Diapason) for Informal Caregivers of Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease: Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial. JMIR research protocols, 2(2).
- Granata, C., Pino, M., Legouverneur, G., Vidal, J. S., Bidaud, P., & Rigaud, A. S. (2013). Robot services for elderly with cognitive impairment: Testing usability of graphical user interfaces. Technology and Health Care, 21(3), 217-231.
- Pino, M., Benveniste, S., Rigaud, A. S., & Jouen, F. (2013). Key Factors for a Framework Supporting the Design, Provision, and Assessment of Assistive Technology for Dementia Care. Assistive technology research series, 09/2013
- Wrobel, J., Wu, Y. H., Kerhervé, H., Kamali, L., Rigaud, A. S., Jost, C., ... & Duhaut, D. (2013, February). Effect of agent embodiment on the elder user enjoyment of a game. InACHI 2013, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (pp. 162-167).
- Wu, Y. H., Wrobel, J., Cristancho-Lacroix, V., Kamali, L., Chetouani, M., Duhaut, D., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2013). Designing an assistive robot for older adults: The ROBADOM project. IRBM, 34(2), 119-123.
- Wu, Y. H., Wrobel, J., Cristancho-Lacroix, V., Kerhervé, H., Cornuet, M., Souad, D., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2013). Robadom, un robot d'aide et de soutien à domicile: le point de vue des personnes âgées. Sciences et Technologies pour le Handicap, 237-250.
- WU, Y. H., WROBEL, J., CRISTANCHO-LACROIX, V., KERHERVE, H., CHETOUANI, M., DUHAUT, D., ... & RIGAUD, A. S. (2013). Le projet Robadom: conception d'un robot d'assistance pour les personnes âgées présentant des troubles cognitifs légers. La Revue de gériatrie, vol. 38, n° 5, 2013/05, pages 349-353.
- WU, Y.H., Cristancho-Lacroix, V, GABILLET, E., Le Maître, J., Chetouani, M., JOST, C., Le Pévédic, B., Duhaut, D., RIGAUD, A.S., Perception of affects from non-facial expressions of the robot Nabaztag, Conference: "ISG, International Society for Gerontechnology/ISARC, International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction, Eindhoven : Netherlands, oct 2012.
- De Rotrou, J., Wu, Y. H., Hugonot-Diener, L., Thomas-Antérion, C., Vidal, J. S., Plichart, M., ... & Hanon, O. (2012). DAD-6: A 6-ltem Version of the Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale Which May Differentiate Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment from Controls. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 33(2-3), 210-218.
- Pino, M., Cristancho-Lacroix, V., Kerhervé, H., Boulay, M., Legouverneur, G., Wu, Y. H., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2012). Le laboratoire LUSAGE: un exemple de Living Lab dans le domaine des gérontechnologies. Les cahiers de l'année gérontologique, 4(4), 386-393.
- Wu, Y. H., Fassert, C., & Rigaud, A. S. (2012). Designing robots for the elderly: Appearance issue and beyond. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 54(1), 121-126.
- Boulay, M., Benveniste, S., Boespflug, S., Jouvelot, P., & Rigaud, A. S. (2011). A pilot usability study of MINWii, a music therapy game for demented patients. Technology and Health Care, 19(4), 233-246.
- De Rotrou, J., Cantegreil, I., Faucounau, V., Wenisch, E., Chausson, C., Jegou, D., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2011). Do patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease benefit from a psycho‐educational programme for family caregivers? A randomised controlled study. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 26(8), 833-842.
- Hoppenot, P., Pino, M., Rigaud, A. S., Ozguler, A., Dubey, G., & Cornet, G. (2011). Assistance to the maintenance at home for mild cognitive impairmed persons. IRBM, 32(3), 172-175.
- RIGAUD, A. S., PINO, M., WU, Y. H., DE ROTROU, J., BOULAY, M., SEUX, M. L., ... & LENOIR, H. (2011). L’aide aux personnes souffrant de maladie d’Alzheimer et à leurs aidants par les gérontechnologies. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 9(1), 91-100.
- Wu, Y. H., Faucounau, V., Boulay, M., Maestrutti, M., & Rigaud, A. S. (2011). Robotic agents for supporting community-dwelling elderly people with memory complaints Perceived needs and preferences. Health Informatics Journal, 17(1), 33-40.
- Chetouani, M., Wu, Y. H., Jost, C., Le Pevedic, B., Fassert, C., Cristancho-Lacroix, V., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2010, August). Cognitive services for elderly people: the ROBADOM project. In ECCE workshop: Robots that care.
- De Sant’Anna, M., de Rotrou, J., Wu, Y. H., Faucounau, V., Boulay, M., Cantegreil, I., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2010). L’informatisation: une nouvelle perspective de développement pour la stimulation cognitive ou l’entraînement cognitif. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie, 10(56), 65-70.
- Faucounau, V., Wu, Y. H., Boulay, M., De Rotrou, J., & Rigaud, A. S. (2010). Cognitive intervention programmes on patients affected by Mild Cognitive Impairment: A promising intervention tool for MCI?. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 14(1), 31-35.
- Pino, M., Boulay, M., Faucounau, V., Wu, Y. H., & Rigaud, A. S. (2010). Usability assessment methodology for older persons with cognitive impairment: the LUSAGE laboratory experience. Gerontechnology, 9(2), 347.
- Rigaud, A. S., Simonnet, T., Rialle, V., Rumeau, P., Vallet, C., Baldinger, J. L., ... & Wu, Y. H. (2010). Un exemple d’aide informatisée à domicile pour l’accompagnement de la maladie d’Alzheimer: le projet TANDEM. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie, 10(56), 71-76.
- Wu, Y. H., Faucounau, V., Granata, C., Boespflug, S., Riguet, M., Pino, M., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2010). Personal service robot for the elderly in home: A preliminary experiment of human-robot interaction. Gerontechnology, 9(2), 260.
- Faucounau, V., Wu, Y. H., Boulay, M., Maestrutti, M., & Rigaud, A. S. (2009). Caregivers' requirements for in-home robotic agent for supporting community-living elderly subjects with cognitive impairment. Technology and Health Care, 17(1), 33-40
- Faucounau, V., Riguet, M., Orvoen, G., Lacombe, A., Rialle, V., Extra, J., & Rigaud, A. S. (2009). Electronic tracking system and wandering in Alzheimer's disease: a case study. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 52(7), 579-587.
- Pino, M., Faucounau, V., Wu, Y. H., Boulay, M., Riguet, M., Sant'Anna, M. D., ... & Rigaud, A. S. (2009). The LUSAGE Usability laboratory for elderly people with cognitive impairment. Gerontechnology, 8(3), 185.
- Riguet, M., Orvoen, G., Wu, Y. H., Faucounau, A., Lacombe, A., & Rigaud, A. S. (2009). Utilité perçue par les professionnels d'un système de géolocalisation. Congrès de la SFTAG.